Monday, 6 January 2025

Welcome to 2025!

Happy New Year! Well, another new year has started, and we are all preparing to amaze our students with the prospect of learning countless ways of knowing more about the world in which we live. 

We are getting ready to understand how our students want to learn, through their numerous 'learning styles'. We will want to develop a thirst for learning in our students, that sets them on their individual journeys of discovery.

We need to be ready!   

Have fun in Term1!

Friday, 12 January 2024

Term 1, 2024 - Happy New Year!

Welcome back everyone! I hope that you had a relaxing and restorative holiday, and are now ready for an exciting year ahead. 

When I look back over 2023, I know that we ended the year in style, with three dynamic PDs from: Sophie (Bringing Nature into the Classroom), Julian (the Language of the Deaf), and Yolanda (Neurodiversity and Inclusion in a School). We were definitely lucky to access these three amazing presenters. 

I know that 2024 will hold some great opportunities for us; all we have to do is identify them, and make the most of them. We will have to approach each new experience with our wonderful 'Love of Learning', and embrace every new challenge. 

Enjoy your new year!

Sunday, 9 July 2023

Term 3, 2023 - The Excitement of a New Term!

Well CRTs, Term 3 is with us, and that brings the excitement of new avenues to engage students. In order for us to be at our best, we have to be in the right mind-set. So, what is our plan? Strategy 1: Make sure that we are fit and healthy, and definitely looking after ourselves. Strategy 2: Surround ourselves with opportunities to create excitement, in our own learning. Strategy 3: Look for adventurous, learning activities that we can share with others. Strategy 4: Be passionate about the learning that we will pass on to our students. It is as simple as that! Enjoy the term ahead.

Sunday, 25 September 2022

Term 4, 2022 - A New Term!

It is great to see the sun shining today; 'Spring' is truly in the air. Well, I hope that everyone is happy and healthy, and coping with our new 'normal'.

The year is going by extremely fast, and we are about to embark on Term 4. Remember to inject every new project with your own personal enthusiasm and 'love of learning'; it's what you do so well!

Enjoy the new term ahead! 

Sunday, 9 January 2022

Term1, 2022 - Welcome to another new year!

"Happy New Year" to you all! Well, another exciting year has commenced and we are all waiting to see what it will bring. As teachers we know that we can handle whatever is put our way. In particular, as CRTs, we know that our adaptability and flexibility will be put to the test, and we have to be ready for it. We all bring into the new year a love of learning, and a willingness to share what we have, with others. We know that we have to take our 'A Game' into every classroom that we enter, and 'make a difference'. A great 'New Year's Resolution' is to approach every challenge with a positive mindset. We've got this! Have fun everyone!

Friday, 8 January 2021

Term 1, 2021 - Welcome to the New Year! 

 'Happy New Year' everyone! It is definitely a time to celebrate. 2021 is already presenting us with wonderful opportunities to 'make a difference', once again, and we are up for the challenge.

Looking back on 2020, we know that there were many 'mountains to climb' and 'rivers to cross', but we did it 'together'. COVID-19 presented us with a new platform, 'remote learning', and the chance to 'upskill'. All we had to do was prove how adaptable and flexible we were, and we did! 

Well, now that 2021 is here, we are ready! We know that we need to look at our ability to support schools in the best way possible, and that is, by looking at our capacity to teach, using a 'blended delivery'. So, let's see what is out there for us.

Enjoy Term 1!

Friday, 10 January 2020

Term 1, 2020 - Accept the challenge!

This new year (decade) has already presented many challenges: some that we can do something about in tangible ways, and some that we cannot. As teachers, our commitment is to educate and support to the best of our ability. In the classroom, is where we do some of our finest work!  

Recently, a friend of mine reminded me of the following quote, "If a child can't learn the way we teach, maybe we should teach the way they learn." Ignacio Estrada. This quote says it all!

Welcome opportunities to bring out the best in your teaching; they are waiting to be found. 

Enjoy your year!